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Saying “No” to Little Things

Saying “No” to Little Things

I’m honestly embarrassed to admit how often I allow myself to give into the “little things” that so easily distract me from the important things. When I feel unmotivated or unclear or sad or overwhelmed, it’s just so darn easy to let myself slide into...
Happy vs. Joy

Happy vs. Joy

Chew on this for a sec: Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to feel, but also very different.Happiness tends to be externally triggered and based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events.Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally.We want...
Ant Brain Much?

Ant Brain Much?

—Image credit: Pat Tobin (@tastefactory)It’s kinda mind-blowing how wrong I can be sometimes when I think about it.I mean, I don’t have to think very hard to remember things in my life that I just knew I solidly understood, with zero doubt or room for...
What vs. Why (don’t screw this up)

What vs. Why (don’t screw this up)

“So, what do you do?” I don’t know about you, but I always struggle and even cringe a little when people ask me this. Super easy, right? Just tell people how you make money, and move on. Only, I have the hardest time answering it honestly and clearly...
Be Here Now.

Be Here Now.

In Sept 2016 I almost died in a car crash. In a nutshell: Big bada boom, passed out, airlifted, crisis surgery, unconscious in the ICU for 5-ish weeks, and nearly died a number of times in multiple ways. Plus: amnesia, using a catheter and bedpan (yuck, and why do...
Turns Out, I Own Nothing

Turns Out, I Own Nothing

An eye-opening, paradigm shifting, mind boggling reality that I marinated in this morning: I own NOTHING. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom… Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power...