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The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. —2 Chronicles 16:9a

Lord, help me to be a man whose heart is fully committed to you. Not just when I’m mindful of it, but automatically, organically, and by default.

Help me to be humble, confidently centered in your goodness and sovereignty, and always mindfully seeking your will, over and above my own. You, who shaped this universe into being with your words, see and understand things that I do not—that I cannot.

In the same way a cat or a bird or an ant can’t fathom thermodynamics or algebra, my tiny mind isn’t capable of fully comprehending your ways sometimes. I know this is true. I feel it in my bones.

Let me trust and rest in that truth, even when I can’t see the whole picture—especially when I cannot see it. Let me lean first into your infinite goodness and gentle love when I can’t see or understand your greater plans, and just have faith.

And let my heart’s longing be for you and your ways above my own.

Thank you.

—Memento Mori, Memento Aeternum